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 تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد الرسائل : 122
العمر : 31
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/08/2007

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه   تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أغسطس 14, 2007 8:56 am

Seto Kaiba
Signature Monster: Blue Eyes White Dragon
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Approx. Height: 6' 1"

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Seto

The world champion and undisputed King of Games. Seto is the head of the megalithic corporation named after his family name. Originally Seto was an orphan along with his brother Mokuba. In time he would be adopted by Gozuburo Kaiba thanks to his ability to catch on to chess, and immediately make headway into the corporation with his unparalled intelligence and innovation. After
Gozuburo's death, he would take over KaibaCorp and push out the trustees and take complete control over it. His interest in duel monsters led directly to his complete dominance over it for Seto conquers whatever he sets his mind on.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Mokuba
Mokuba Kaiba
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Approx. Height: 4' 8"

Seto's younger brother, and a brilliant lad in his own right. Mokuba is Seto's inseparable comrade, and quite possibly the only person Seto truly cares about. Mokuba assists Seto in many of the tasks he takes on and holds some power over the corporation. Mokuba's dueling ability is not as great as Seto, but being the brother of the world champion has its advantages as Mokuba would soon be one of the finest.

Lesser Characters

(In order of how I like them)

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Kisara
Hair Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Approx. Height: 5'2"

Kisara is the woman who held the spirit of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Of course, her appearance perfectly describes her innocence as she originally had no idea that she held such a power. However few gave her attention as she was shunned for her pale skin and blue eyes (something uncommon, although Priest Seto also has blue eyes but no one complained about that). It was Priest Seto that had saved her and learned of her tremendous power. His father however had killed her in order to give his son the power she held, although Priest Seto never wanted to harm her. It is speculated that the two loved each other.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Ishizu
Ishizu Ishtar
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color:Blue
Approx. Height: 5'6"

The sister of Malik who aids Seto and the others to help defeat and free Malik from the Yami spirit that controls him. She bestowed upon Seto the legendary Obelisk The Tormentor God Card, which Seto didn't really need, but only added to his already terrific power. As for Ishizu, well, giving up the Obelisk Card was all she was useful for. Other than that.. *shrugs*

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Mai
Mai Kujaku
Signature Monster: Harpie Lady
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Purple

Some duelist who manages to make it to every Finals in the main tournaments but ultimately is shot down by Yugi Motou. How pathetic is that? Atleast she is somewhat respectable in her tactics, and is decent eye candy. Other than that, she pathetically tries to get the mutt's eyes off me, and on her chest.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Joey
Joey Wheeler
Signature Monster: Flame Swordsman
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Approx. Height: 5'10"

Joey is perhaps the most terrible duelist in the world. He is trained by Yugi's grandfather and relies on Yugi throughout most of his dueling career. When it comes time to really duel however, Yugi cannot help him, and he fails each and every time. Labeled the Dog by Seto Kaiba himself, Jou has little hope in the world of Duel Monsters, and his only hope is to leech on the equally pathetic Yugi to get anywhere. Joey also benefits from Yugis Grandfather's owning of a card shop, but without any skill whatsoever (and getting second helpings), he never gets anywhere. Admittedly, he does have balls, and takes on everyone, too bad that he keeps on losing.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Malik
Malik Ishtar
Signature Monster: Winged Dragon of Ra
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Purple
Approx. Height: 5'11"

Malik is the infamous villain that seeks the trio of the God Cards for the ultimate power they behold. He is born as a guardian however due to an overwhelming urge to see the outside world, he and his sister escape momentarily and are exposed to it. Malik immediately is drawn to its wonders, especially motorcycles however the trip met disaster upon their return, forcing the "evil" in Malik to come out and open up a Grade A Can of Whoop Ass. I say it did him good. He's still a pathetically weak duelist.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Bakura
Ryou Bakura
Signature Card: Change of Heart
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Approx. Height: 5'9"

One of the semi-decent duelists, Bakura doesn't show his ability all that much, only when there's a fool that needs sweeping. Like Seto, Bakura makes waste of Yugi and Joey together with his infamous Change of Heart card. Later on Bakura would enter the Battle City tournament in order to obtain all of the Millenium Items. Luckily for him, Seto didn't give a damn about the items and let Bakura tear apart the other duelists. Unfortunately for Bakura, he wouldn't be able to match Malik and end up being foiled. Compared to most others, Bakura is one of the finer characters, but he is still pathetically weak compared to Seto.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Serenity
Serenity Wheeler
Hair Color: Red-Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Approx. Height: 5'

As you no doubt have guessed, Serenity is the dimwitted sister of Joey. She is by far, Joey's only motivation, but unfortunately for Serenity, she "motivated" him too well and ended up being in danger of being blinded. Just when Joey loses the Duelist King tournament, Seto, the nice guy he is, spares Wheeler the tournament prize so he can help Serenity get her eye sight back. She serves to be of further annoyance in the Battle City tournament, but you won't know the full extent of this until you see her duel. Of course when compared to the other present living characters, she's easily the most beautiful and intelligent (Below Seto and Mokuba of course). Why? Cause she knows her damn place.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Noah
Noah Kaiba
Signature Monster: Shinato, King of a Higher Plane
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Blue

The true son of Guzaburo Kaiba. He died at a young age due to a freak accident. Since he was Guzaburo's only son, his company would fall out of his hands, so the Company needed an heir. Noa's consciousness was kept alive in order for a vessel for his mind to come. Seto was to be that vessel. Of course the plan failed as miserably as the kid died.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Otogi
Otogi Ryuuji
Signature Monster: Orgoth the Relentless
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Approx. Height: 5'10"

Another useless duelist. Thinks dice are the answer. Man, I'm getting sick of all these crap duelists.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Weevil
Weevil Underwood
Signature Monster: Insect Queen
Hair Color: Light Blue
Eye Color: Blue

One of the champions of duel monsters. He won one of the major tournaments, but that was because I had a flu and couldn't be assed to participate.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Rex
Rex Raptor
Signature Monster: Red Eyes Black Dragon
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red

One of those "filler" duelists. Early on Rex would prove to be a decent duelist however fail against the pathetic Weevil in one of Pegasus' finals. He's pretty much crap so don't worry about him.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Mako
Mako Tsunami
Signature Monster: The Legendary Fisherman
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black

Has a short stint early on in dueling Yugi and later Joey. Just acts as cannon fodder. Forget about this guy too.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Keith
Bandit Keith
Signature Monster: Mechanical Chaser
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue or Purple, I don't care enough to remember.

A respectable duelist, but no where near Seto's greatness.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Anzu
Tea Gardner
Signature Monster: Shining Friendship
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Approx. Height: 5'5"

Useless Character. Moving on.

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Tristan
Tristan Taylor
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Approx. Height: 5'11"

Another useless character. Where do they come up with these idiots?

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Yugi
Yugi Motou
Signature Monster: Dark Magician
Hair Color: Blonde/Red-Purple
Eye Color: Red-Purple
Approx. Height: 5'

...Useless character. No need... Oh fine. The fag does appear on every single image associated with Yugioh, hell his name is in the bloody title. Yugi is the young duelist who believes he could rival the world champion. Yugi is caught up into most of the dueling thanks to his Grandfather who taught him and Pegafag. Yugi is taught that the heart of the cards would lead to victory but unfortunately, when you arrange the cards into an order you like, its called cheating. Yugi is never caught doing so because, A. he duels morons, B. he is always far away in the dueling arenas no one sees him switch the cards, or C. his skin tight pants makes everyone look away for a few minutes to regain their composure from the awful sight. Tea notices, but she's a whipped bitch anyway and wants to keep his nuts in her mouth. Yugi's counterpart, Yami, comes out to help Yugi in his duels simply because Yugi is too small and afraid to duel the big guns himself. The only way Yugi makes it in these tournaments is due to the fact his grandfather owns a card shop. Where else can you get all the rare cards? Hell, he got an Exodia deck for free. What's up with that?

تقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Pegafag
Maximillian Pegasus
Signature Card: Toon World
Hair Color: White
Eye Color:Brown
Approx. Height: 6'2"

My Ra what a fag. Perhaps the most utterly useless villian in the whole story. Albeit, Seto royally kicks this guys ass after he (rather pathetically) took Mokuba from him. Pegafag is the creator of Duel Monsters and created the God Cards as well from the images he seen in Egypt. He attempts to use Mokuba as leverage to increase his business scope but fails miserably.

Guzتقرير عن يوغى باللغه الانجليزيه Guzaburoaburo Kaiba
Signature Card: Exodia Necross
Hair Color: Grey (Due to age, not natural color)
Eye Color: Brown
Approx. Height: 6'3"

Heartless Bastard... Only good when dead.
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